About the Journal

Al-Bayan University Journal for Legal Studies and Research(JLSR) is issued by the College of Law at Al-Bayan University. It specializes in legal studies that address contemporary issues of concern to society and contributes to providing services, and research services to researchers at various levels. The journal is published periodically in each quarter. The magazine works to be a platform for scientific publishing that addresses topics that represent practical solutions for society inside and outside Iraq. The journal allows research to be written in Arabic and English, based on high-quality scientific principles.
Al-Bayan University Journal for Legal Studies and Research seeks to achieve a qualitative addition to the publishing and scientific research level by stimulating the writing of scientific research according to high-quality standards. This can be achieved by benefiting from the expertise of researchers from the most prominent international research centers. It works to stimulate creativity and innovation by supporting research that is characterized by originality and creativitya
JLSR is an academic journal published by Al-Bayan University in Baghdad, Iraq. 
JLSR is an open access Journal and that mean any user is allowed immediate free access to the works published in the journal and is permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of [the] articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose.
Frequency:  JLSR Publish (2) Issues per year

Plagiarism, duplicate publication, concurrent submission, data fabrication and falsification, and illegal credit of author contribution are considered as violations of publication ethics. 

The term plagiarism describes the unacknowledged use of work and is usually produced by improper  referencing and is a violation of moral and professional ethics.

Therefor to prevent such violation submissions to JLSR are subject to inspection using Plagiarism detection Software called (Turnitin). Thus, any unethical behaviors are unacceptable by the journal. It is necessary to mention that JLSR may ignore similarity of not more than 20%.

New submissions to JLSR  are screened using Crosscheck within the editorial system. The responsible editorial board member may run a similarity report at any point during the review process or post-publication to ensure the originality of the writing process.


  - PublisherCollege of lawAl-Bayan University
  - Institution: College of law
-AddressBaghdad, Iraq, Baghdad International Airport St. Near Abbas Ibn Firnas Square.
                   Al-Bayan University,College of law
  -The international Standard Serial Number:
                   ISSN: 2957-5648